Full Content Full content General issues Air protection Water protection Ash handling Complex technologies Physical impacts Advanced technologies Energy saving Renewable energy Page Content Full Content General issues About Possibilities of "Environmental" Financing of Investment Projects About the role and place of science in solution of coal ash handling problem Ecological safety of ash-and-slag materials application in agriculture Greenhouse gases Problems of personnel training for power utilities and ways of their solution Technological Aspects of Greenhouse Gases Emission Reductions The best available technologies ― a modern instrument of energy efficiency increase and decrease in the negative impact of power enterprises on environment Air protection 1.1. Nitrogen oxides emissions reduction 1.1.1. Formation and standards for nitrogen oxides emissions A mechanism of nitrogen oxide emission formation and standards 1.1.2. Technological methods of nitrogen oxides emissions reduction in boiler furnaces at combustion of various types of organic fuel Performance-and-commissioning measures on nitrogen oxides emissions reduction Low Excess Air - LEA Non-stoichiometric combustion (Biased Burner Firing — BBF) Burners Out оf Service — BOOS Modernization of the furnace process Low-NOx burners Flue gas recirculation (FGR) Over fire air (two-staged combustion) Concentric combustion Three-staged combustion A list of technological methods of reduction of NOx generation A list of technological methods of nitrogen oxide reduction 1.1.3. Cleaning flue gases from nitrogen oxides Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) Basic methods of flue gas cleaning from nitrogen oxides Conclusions to § 1.1 References to § 1.1 1.2. Ash collecting at TPPs 1.2.1. Ash collecting and standards for emissions of ash at TPPs Bases of fly ash collecting and particulate emission standards at TPPs 1.2.2. Technologies of ash collecting at TPPs Inertial ash collectors Fly ash scrubbers Electrostatic precipitators Fabric dust collectors 1.2.3. Efficient ash collectors at TPPs Electrostatic precipitators at TPP 1.2.4. Control for operating efficiency of ash collecting plants at TPPs 1.2.4. Control over operating efficiency of ash collecting plants at TPPs, burning ekibastuzsky coal 1.3. Reduction of sulfur oxides emissions 1.3.1. The mechanism of formation and standards for sulfur oxides emissions Formation mechanism of sulfur oxides at organic fuel combustion Specifications and sanitary requirements for SO2 content in atmosphere and flue gases 1.3.2. Technologies of emissions reduction 1.3.2. Technologies of sulfur oxide emission reduction Dry limestone technology - Dry limestone and soda technology Simplified wet-dry technology (E-SOx technology) Technology with the hollow absorber-dryer Shmigol I.N., Open JSC “VTI” Technology with circulating inert mass - Ammonium-cyclic, magnesite and sodium sulphite-bisulphite technology Application of Venturi scrubbers Wet limestone technology Wet lime technology Ammonium-sulphate technology (AST) Conclusions to § 1.3 1.4. Emissions reduction of vanadium compounds and benz(a)pyrene 1.4.1. Brief description of technologies of vanadium-containing emission reduction at liquid fuel combustion 1.4.2. Formation and methods of benzapyrene reduction 1.5. Technologies of organic fuel combustion at TPPs with the lowered level of harmful emissions into atmosphere 1.5.1. Combustion of solid fuel in fluidized bed combustion boilers Combustion of solid fuel in atmospheric fluidized bed boilers Combustion of solid fuel in circulating fluidized bed boilers Combustion of solid fuel in fluidized bed boilers under pressure 1.5.2. Solid fuel gasification Gasification basis and technologies 1.5.3. Combustion of solid fuel in melting Gasification of coal in the melted slag 1.5.4. Cyclonic primary furnace as a tool for reduction of harmful emissions into atmosphere Cyclone primary slag-tap furnace 1.5.5. Efficient reduction of nitrogen oxides emissions in the boiler furnaces 1.5.5. Efficient reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions in the boiler furnaces by means of aerodynamic optimization of the staged fuel combustion Complex operational effectiveness of gas- and oil-fired furnaces with the vertical direct-flow swirling flame Improvement of dependability, economical and ecological effectiveness of gas- and oil-fired boilers of PTVM type An efficiency of high location of double-sided and strongly inclined nozzles of secondary blast at boilers with bottom burners An efficiency of application of the combined “nozzle – direct-flow oil burner” unit An efficiency of three-staged coal combustion in the U-shaped flame at BKZ-210-140FD(F) boilers of OJSC “Zapadno-Sibirskaya TPP” An efficiency of application of tertiary blasting in furnaces, equipped with tangential burners Results of the first phase of TP-87 slag-tap boiler adjustment at three-staged air supply into the flame of direct-flow burners Complex solution of combustion problems at hot water boilers of KVGM-180 type On necessity of changing the approaches to certification of oil section of direct-flow burners Conclusions to it.1.5.5. References to it.1.5.5 Water protection 2.1. Formation and regulation of waste water discharges from TPPs 2.1.1. Waste water sources and regulation of discharges of power plant waste water into water basin 2.2. Contemporary water treatment technologies at power plants and their environmental impact assessment 2.2.1. Water clarification and coagulation 2.2.2. Ion-exchange demineralization of boiler make-up water 2.2.3. Technology of thermal treatment of make-up water for feeding power boilers 2.2.4. Reverse osmosis demineralization of water 2.2.5. Experience of implementation of low waste water treatment systems References to § 2.2 2.3. Treatment of industrial and surface waste water from power companies 2.3.1. Technologies of treating industrial and surface waste waters from power companies General data on technologies of treating waste water from power companies Mechanical waste water treatment Chemical waste water treatment Physical and chemical waste water treatment Biological waste water treatment Waste water polishing at activated coal 2.3.2. Treatment of industrial waste water at power plants Flotation treatment of industrial waste water 2.3.3. Treatment of surface waste water at power plants Flotation treatment of surface waste water References to § 2.3 Ash handling 3.1. Coal-fired power plants 3.1.1. List of coal-fired TPPs and boiler-houses 3.2. Ash and slag handling systems at TPPs 3.2.1. Brief characteristics of traditional ash and slag removal systems of the Russian TPPs 3.2.1. Brief characteristics of traditional ash and slag removal systems of the Russian TPPs 3.2.2. Ash removal Technological options for removal of fly ash at TPPs in India Experience of implementing Clyde Bergemann technologies of ash removal and transportation at power units of 300 & 500 MW at coal-fired TPPs Some issues of optimizing the schemes of pneumatic ash removal systems of thermal power plants Contact free measuring of the level in liquids and bulk mediums in industrial tanks using short range radar methods Radar systems to control the discrete filling levels in technological tanks and hoppers Estimation of pipelines overhaul life duration at pneumatic conveying of ash and coal dust at TPPs and recommendations on its increase Internal ash conveying plants Estimation of erosion in pipelines at pneumatic conveying of fine bulk materials Environmentally sound ash handling technologies. Case study based on Reftinskaya OJSC “ENEL OGK-5” project Pneumatic ash transport from fluidized bed boilers in extremely hard conditions: case study of ash removal system of 460 MW power boiler at Lagisza power plant in Poland Wet ash handling - “Technology of the past” The wear-resistant pipelines with aluminothermic corundum coating Air dedusting technologies and equipment for pneumatic conveying plants transporting fine bulk materials 3.2.3. Bottom ash/slag removal About reasonability of transferring slag-tap boilers to dry bottom ones at TPP reconstruction Influence of slag removal technology on harmful emissions from power boilers Segregation, classification and dewatering of slag and bottom ash Recirculation of bottom ash into the fly ash handling process and an overview on coal ash reutilization. A case study: Fiume Santo power station The Application of Air-cooled Dry Bottom Ash Handling Technology at Coal Fired Power Plant 3.2.4. External ash and slag conveying External ash and slag conveying plants 3.2.5. Ash and slag disposal sites Ash and slag lagoons Disposal of high-calcium ash as highly concentrated slurry Dry ash landfills The results of biological recultivation of the second worked off section of ash disposal area of Novocherkasskaya SDPP Conclusions to § 3.2.5 3.2.6. Integral parameters of ash and slag removal systems Estimation of the basic integral indicators of new and reconstructed ash and slag removal systems at TPPs of Russia by the example of Reftinskaya SDPP of the JSC "WGC-5" 3.3. Ash and slag properties 3.3.1. Properties of coal ash in Russia 3.3.2. Assessment of the degree of tpp ash-and-slag waste hazard for environment and human health 3.3.3. Hollow microspheres from Fly ashes of power plants 3.3.4. Biogeochemical characteristic of Fuel power engineering wastes by the example of urgalsk coal field 3.3.5. Novel functional materials based on ferroaluminosilicate microspheres from fly ashes of power-generating coals 3.3.6. The use of Kamika equipment for examination of distributions of particles in coal dust and ash, as well as for measurements of dust content in flue gases 3.3.7. Experience and regulatory framework for the use of dry fly ash from Russian TPPs for producing concrete, mortar and dry construction mixes 3.3.8. The necessity and practicality of raising the quality and processing characteristics of ash and slag waste of thermal power plants for their successful use in production of cement and other construction materials 3.3.9. Shape and grain size measurement of microspheres 3.3.10. Investigation of influence of the particle shape and polydispersity on the critical velocities of dust and air flows while transporting the fine polydisperse materials in pneumatic conveying pipelines 3.3.11. Refinement of dependence for estimating critical velocities of dust and air flow considering the factors of shape and polydispersity of particles 3.4. Beneficiation and ash management 3.4.1. Summary of coalash beneficiation in Russia 3.4.2. Improvement of the building-technical properties of ash-and-slag materials from heat power generation 3.4.3. Prospects of producing high-quality ash and cenosperes from ashes of power coals having high L.O.I. on the basis of nanotechnologies 3.4.4. Experience and possibilities of ST complex technologies on fly ash beneficiation in view of the implemented project at Janikosoda power plant in Poland 3.5. Applications of ash and slag from power coals 3.5.1. Production of the building materials The Russian standards for using ash and slag from thermal power plants for production of the building materials Utilization of fly ash for manufacturing of new generation of building materials – artificial porous wood High strength Portland cement free cementitious mortar Fly ash in cement and concrete composition The practice of utilization of fly ash from Reftinskaya TPP 3.5.2. Road construction Standartization and perspectives of using ash-and-slag mixtures from ttps in road construction in Russia Standardization of combustion by-products for road construction in Poland Monitoring results of an experimental area of roadbed made of ash-and-slag mixture High volume of calcareous fly ash for the production of a hydraulic binder for road pavements Mixed type binding systems. A sustainable alternative for RCC road pavements Life Cycle Cost Analysis of road pavement with Greek High Calcium Fly Ash Roller Compacted Concrete Development of ferrocement matrix by using calcareous fly ash and ladle furnace slag as pozzolanic admixtures 3.5.3. Combined processing of ash, slag and wastes from other industries Environmentally friendly uses of non-coal ashes in Sweden Application of fluidized bed combustion ashes for enhancement of mining waste management 3.5.4. Use of ash and slag for improving the properties of soil Ash from stone coal as a source of ground biological layer for reclamation of devastated land Potential utilization of brown coal fly ash in agriculture Perspectives of ash-and-slag materials usage in agriculture The biomass ash. Waste or useful by-product? Effects of hard coal ash irrigation on release of chemical elements Biological conservation of the first section of Novocherkasskaya SDPP ash disposal area Monitoring of recultivated ash dumps of SDPPs 3.5.5. Mine and open cast filling, reclamation of open pits Utilization of fly ash and slug from tpps in undeground mining in Poland 3.5.6. Obtaining different substances from coal combustion by-products Manufacture and properties of magnetite dust from coal combustion products Integrated recycling of ash and slag of Ekibastuz coals into aluminum oxide, aluminium salts, ferrosilicon and cement 3.6. Handling solid by-products from combustion of other fuels 3.6.1. Possibilities of utilisation of ashes from biomass 3.7. Analytics 3.7.1. Аbout a system approach for solution of THE problem on ash and slag from TPPs 3.7.2. Challenges, opportunities and ways of solving the problem on ashes and slags from TPPs in Russia 3.7.3. Improvement of the legislation of the russian federation in the field of production and consumption waste handling 3.7.4. Coal Ash in Europe – legal and technical requirements for use 3.7.5. The Changing CCP Regulatory Environment in the United States 3.7.6. Challenges, Opportunities and ways of solving the problem on ashes from TPP’s in India: A successful mission mode approach 3.7.7. Influence of legislation on utilization of ash from power generating stations – Indian experience 3.7.8. Utilization of coal combastion by-products in Poland 3.7.9. FBC ash – production and utilization 3.7.10. Impact of new coal combustion technologies on types and character of ash and slag 3.7.11. Formation of competitive advantages of power enterprises by example of using ash and slag from Omsk CHPPs in the market of mineral raw materials and other natural resources 3.7.12. The experience of dealing with the problem of thermal power plant ash-and-slag utilization in Siberia 3.7.13. Forming of tpps’ ash-and-slag management system in Siberia 3.7.14. Experience of Kashirskaya gres in ash and slag utilization 3.7.15. Specific operational expenses for handling ash and slag from thermal power plants by example of Kashirskaya SDPP 3.7.16. Impact of political decisions on production and quality of CCPs in Europe 3.7.17. New in the state policy of the RF in the field of production and consumption waste handling 3.7.18. Resolution of complex issues of fly ash utilization: successful case study of India 3.7.19. A role and a place of scientific and educational institutions in solution of coal ash handling problems in Russia 3.7.20. Forming a system of management of by-products from coal-fired thermal power plants 3.7.21. Use of Calcareous Fly Ash in Germany 3.7.22. European Product Standard - update on status and changes with relevance to CCPs 3.7.23. FGD Gypsum: a by-product in line with a resource efficient Europe 3.7.24. Legislative regulation in the field of solid waste management 3.7.25. State regulation measures to encourage increase in coal ash utilization in Poland and European trends in coal ash utilization 3.7.26. Analysis of legislation in the field of coal ash handling in India 3.7.27. Forecast in power production and impact of CCPs in Europe 3.7.28. Fly Ash Utilization in China 3.7.29. The ash and slag waste market of Russia through the eyes of trader. Phoenix consortium 3.7.30. Creating the industry of processing and use of coal combustion by-products 3.7.31. Key issues of coal ash handling in Russia 3.7.32. Marketing of CCPs in Germany - Experience -Report of a German Company 3.7.33. Major barriers to effective solution of the coal ash handling problem 3.7.34. On the experience of resolving the coal ash handling problem in different countries world-wide (as of 2014) 3.8. Legal and normative documents 3.8.1. The Russian legal and normative documents on handling ash and slag from TPPs References to the 3rd part Complex technologies 4.1. Combustion of water-oil emulsion in steam boilers 4.1.1. Combustion of water-oil emulsion in steam boilers at CHPP-23 of the JSC “Mosenergo” in combination with the regime and technological measures 4.1.2. Research and experience of water-oil emulsion application in TGMP-314 and TGM-96 boilers 4.1.3. Water emulsion formation based on crude oil and its combustion in DKVR-10/13 boilers 4.2. Reduction of ash and sulphur dioxide emissions at TPPs 4.2.1. Reduction of ash and sulphur dioxide emissions at TPPs at ekibastuzsky coal combustion 4.3. Combustion of solid fuel 4.3.1. Complex solution of issues on increasing of the economic efficiency, ecological safety and beneficiation of ash and slag at pulverized coal combustion in power boilers at TPPs in Russia 4.3.2. Influence of arrangement of the staged combustion of kuznetsky coals on specific NOx emissions and operational reliability of slag-tap boilers TP-87 4.3.3. Integrated solutions on providing the consumer properties of ash and improvement of environmental and economic characteristics of power plant operation at burning hard coal of the unsteady quality in power boilers 4.3.4. Improving the reliability, maneuverability and environmental safety of K-50-14-250 boilers at coal burning by optimizing the furnace aerodynamics 4.4. Complex of reconstructive, operation and technological measures at natural gas and fuel oil burning 4.4.1. Complex reconstruction of TGMP-314C boilers at CHPP-23 of JSC “Mosenergo” for ensuring their environmental soundness, reliability and efficiency 4.4.2. Reduction of pollutant emissions from combustion of natural gas, fuel oil and water-oil emulsion in power boilers 4.5. Analytics 4.5.1. Complex technology to reduce toxic gas emissions from coal-fired boilers of TPPs 4.5.2. Complex environmental technologies introduction in power industry of the Russian Federation Physical impacts 5.1. Decrease in impact of electric and magnetic fields of the industrial frequency on the person General information on impact of electric and magnetic fields 5.1.1. Biological impact of electric and magnetic fields of the industrial frequency 5.1.2. Mathematical assessment and phantom measurements of electric and magnetic fields effect factor on the person 5.1.3. Ensuring of the man safety from the adverse effect of electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency Conclusions to § 5.1 References to § 5.1 5.2. Fish protection technologies and constructions in power engineering 5.2.1. A choice of the optimal construction of fish protection structure for the certain water intake 5.2.2. A choice of FPS universal construction for different water intakes 5.2.3. Basic points of fish protection structure projecting References to § 5.2 5.3. Reduction of noise from power engineering equipment 5.3.1. Sources and fixing of moise from power engineering equipment 5.3.2. Elimination of noise level caused by steam exhaust 5.3.3. Reduction of noise from steam-turbine plants 5.3.4. Reduction of noise from draught equipment 5.3.5. Reduction of noise from blow fans 5.3.6. Suppressors of water-heating boilers 5.3.7. Reduction of noise from cooling towers References to § 5.3 Advanced technologies 6.1. Improvement of the heat cycle of steam-turbine TPPs 6.1.1. Influence of initial steam parameters on thermal economy of power plants 6.1.2. Influence of steam superheating on thermal economy of a steam-turbine plant 6.1.3. Effect of regenerative heating of condensate and feed water on thermal economy of the plant 6.1.4. Experience of using ultra supercritical steam parameters 6.1.5. Estimation of costs at the combined heat and electricity generation at CHPP 6.2. Gas-turbine and steam-gas plants Introduction 6.2.1. Prospects of application of gas-turbine and combined-cycle units in thermal engineering 6.2.2. Combined cycle plants 6.2.3. Coal-fired combined-cycle units References to § 6.2 6.3. Heat and electricity supply plants of small capacity 6.3.1. General characteristic of district heating in Russia and analysis of opportunities of using the small CHPPs instead of the heating boiler-houses 6.3.2. Basic principles of choosing the unit capacity at small cogeneration heat power plants 6.3.3. Gas turbine building-up of water heating boilers and installation at low capacity thermal power plants 6.3.4. Changes in heat load diagrams within a year and their influence on a choice of equipment of small CHPPs 6.3.5. Application of gas piston units for thermal and electric power generation 6.3.6. Estimation of thermal efficiency of small CHPPs 6.3.7. Influence of construction of small CHPPs on reduction of losses in electric networks 6.3.8. Ecological efficiency as a result of replacement of heating boiler-houses with small CHPPs References to § 6.3 6.4. Application of air condensers in power industry Introduction 6.4.1. Analysis of application of air condensers in power industry 6.4.2. Analyses of new design of air condensers 6.4.3. New generation air condensers (NGAC) 6.4.4. Design of effective configurations of tube bundles of new generation air condensers (NGACs) 6.4.5. Cost-effectiveness analysis of air condensers application References to § 6.4 Energy saving 7.1. Energy saving at the electric and thermal energy generation 7.1.1. Energy saving in different flowsheets 7.2. Application of expander-generating apparatuses in process of using the technological pressure drop at natural gas conveying Introduction 7.2.1. Physical bases and estimation of EGA operational efficiency 7.2.2. The analysis of influence of different parameters on operation of expander and estimation of EGA capacity 7.2.3. Inclusion of EGA in heat flow diagrams of power plants 7.2.4. Application of the thermal pump for heating gas before the expander References to § 7.2 7.3. New sealing and fire-proof materials for power enterprises 7.3.1. Basic requirements for the sealing materials and products used in electric power industry and their comparison characteristics 7.3.2. Main characteristics of sealing materials of “Graphlex®” mark 7.3.3. Effect of sealing material on corrosion in sealing joint details 7.3.4. Technology of sealing the rods, spindles of accessories, and shafts of centrifugal pumps 7.3.5. Hermetic sealing of rods and spindles of accessories 7.3.6. Hermetic shafts of centrifugal pumps 7.3.7. Hermetic sealing of flange joints 7.3.8. Experience of implementing materials of “Graphlex” series and their cost efficiency 7.3.9. Thermoexpanded fire-protective materials References to § 7.3 7.4. Thermal imaging diagnostics of energy equipment 7.4.1. Currency of applying thermal imaging devices 7.4.2. Application of thermal imaging devices at energy enterprises 7.4.3. State-of-the-art of infrared imaging technique Renewable energy 8.1. Geothermal power plants (GPPs) 8.1.1. Geothermal power plants at the fields of steam-water mixes with back pressure turbines 8.1.2. Geothermal power plants at the fields of steam-water mixes with condensing pressure turbines 8.1.3. Geothermal power plants at the fields of steam-water mixes or geothermal brines with condensing turbines and single –or repeated expansion of the geothermal fluid 8.1.4. In order to avoid the scales, which occur at evaporation of geothermal brines in schemes with expanders, a scheme using volatile working substances is applied 8.1.5. Combined cycle geothermal power plants with steam turbine in the upper cycle and volatile working substance in the lower cycle 8.1.6. Overview of development of GPPs and heat supply systems as of 2014 8.1.72 Item 8.2. Wind power plants (WPPs) 8.2.1. Network WPPs 8.2.2. Autonomous WPPs 8.2.3. Hybrid WPPs 8.2.4. Overview of WPPs development as of 2014 8.3. Solar power plants and heat supply systems 8.3.1. Photoelectric converters and power installations on their basis Silicon photoelectric converters and modules Multitransition (cascade) photoconverters Thin-film photoconverters and modules Solar installations on the basis of photoconverters 8.3.2. Solar thermodynamic installations About the history of thermodynamic installations 8.3.3. Combined photo-thermodynamic installations Configuration of combined solar power plant 8.3.4. Installations and systems of solar heat supply Basic equipment of solar heat supply system 8.3.5. Analytics Overview of development of solar power plants and heat supply systems as of 2014 8.4. Small HPPs 8.4.1. Methods of small HPPs construction 8.4.2. Hydroturbine equipment 8.4.3. Operation of small and microHPPs 8.4.4. Overview of development of small GPPs as of 2014 8.5. Tidal power plants 8.5.1. Methods of tidal power plants construction 8.5.2. Overview of development of tidal power plants as of 2014 8.6. Analytics 8.6.1. Actual Status and Perspective of Development of Renewables in Russia. National Policy and Possibilities of Regions and Business 8.6.2. Green Energy of Kazakhstan in the 21st Century: Myths, Realities and Prospects