М.P. Rogankov, E.E. Мikushevitch, V.M. Mikushevitch, Ecopolis ltd, Мoscow, Russia

 There is a boom of development of solar sources of electrical and thermal energy. Total capacity of renewables (without hydro) in the world in 2013 constituted 560 GWe, including photoelectric converters – 139 GWe (or 25 %), and also solar concentrators – 2,5 GWe. In 2013 the increase of photovoltaics constituted 38 GWe (or +37,6 %). Annually 7…9 GWe of photovoltaics are installed in China, in 2013 this indicator achieved 11,3 GWe. Japan is number 2 in introducing solar power plants; in the country 6,9 GWe was achieved. There solar roof panels for heat supply are mainly implemented, and more and more large-scale photovoltaic complexes are introduced. The world leader in the amount of solar power plants is Germany, the total capacity of which reaches 36 GWe.