Full content General issues Air protection Water protection Ash handling Complex technologies Physical impacts Advanced technologies Energy saving Renewable energy OSIecopower / English / Air protection / 1.3. Reduction of sulfur oxides emissions / 1.3.1. The mechanism of formation and standards for sulfur oxides emissions / Specifications and sanitary requirements for SO2 content in atmosphere and flue gases Specifications and sanitary requirements for SO2 content in atmosphere and flue gases Page ContentShmigol I.N., Open JSC “VTI“According to the sanitary-hygienic legislation of Russia in the atmospheric air the following maximum permissible concentrations of sulfur dioxide should be met:maximum one-time concentration (for sampling time of 20 min - 0,5 mg/m3);daily average concentration is 0,05 mg/m3. In the air of working spaces the concentration of sulfur dioxides shouldn’t exceed 10 mg/m3. Full text: Скачать PDF Download PDF