М.P. Rogankov, Ecopolis ltd, Мoscow, Russia
A review paper contains the data on volumes of coal ash production and utilization in different countries, including the data on ash storage at TPP landfills and their beneficial use.
Main applications and volumes of coal ash beneficial use in various industries are given.
Information about the best available technologies relating to coal ash handling in different countries of the world is presented.
The issues concerning legislation, adopted in different countries of the international community with regard to coal ash handling, are highlightened. By that, the following is considered: the trends of power generation sector development in the countries, the plans of different states with regard to the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, renewable energy, clean coal technologies plans, etc.
The paper includes information on international cooperation in the field of coal ash handling.
It also covers the issue relating to training of personnel in the field of coal ash handling.