Ivanov A.V., Hydroproject Institute
- Construction norms and rules. SaNRan 2.06.07—87. Back walls, shipping locks, fish-throughput and fish-protection structres. M.: Stroyizdat, 1987.
- Ivanov A.V. Instruction of water consumer for fish protection. М.: Hydroproject, 2005.
- Patent RF for invention № 2219308 «Fish protection structures» / A.V. Ivanov, G.G. Fillipov, A.L. Ersler. BI. 2003. № 35.
- Patent RF for invention № 2221105 «Fish protection structure» / A.V. Ivanov, G.G. Fillipov, A.L. Ersler // BI. 2004. № 1.
- Tischenko G.D. Detection of fish protection construction operation efficiency of water intake of production association «Electrical-chemical plant» / G.D. Tischenko, A.A. Drachev. M.: Association «Hydroproject», 2004.
- Letter of FSA «ЦУРЭН» «About the possibility of fish protection structure application «Volume hydraulic screen» from 25.10.2004 № 04-3/612.
- Ivanov A.V. Supplying the safety of the young of fish at water intakes // Hydro technical construction. 2006. № 4. С. 11-14.