L.V. Berezin, M.A Lee, Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin, Omsk, Russia

V.R. Shevtsov, OJSC "Territorial Generation Company #11", Novosibirsk, Russia

Results of laboratory and field texts on ash-and-slag materials usage as an obligatory element during complex melioration of low fertility soils are presented in this article. Pilot studies showed that input of up to 1 tonn per ha Omsk TPPs' ash-and-slag materials to the soil increases effectiveness of agronomic experiments aimed at improving soil water and physical properties.

A field experiment on ash-and-slag materials input into the soil for summer barley was held in 2011 on the basis of the data acquired and with the help of working model of combined tool. The experiment showed yield increase by 1...2 centner per ha.