N.B. Nefedyev, A.V. Sokolova, K.Y. Kushnir, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the RF, Moscow
According to the state statistics, in the whole country remains a negative tendency to increase the amount of production and consumption wastes.
Of particular concern is the situation of municipal solid wastes (MSW). A volume of their production in the whole country has been steadily increasing – compared to 2000 the number of MSW generated annually has increased by more than 3 times. On average, in the Russian Federation annually about 60 million tons of MSW are produced. However, only about 10 % of all wastes produced are turned into economic circulation. This is due, primarily, to the fact that in our country there is no market for involving wastes into economic turnover, as well as the fact that the obligation has not been established for the maximum extraction of useful components from wastes being secondary raw materials.