V.V. Sirotyuk, Y.V. Ivanov, Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy, Omsk, Russia

V.R. Shevtsov, OJSC "TGC-11", Novosibirsk, Russia

 Analysis of the Perspective Plan of large-tonnage usage of ash-and-slag of OJCS "TGC-11" TPPs for the period from 2011 to 2020 shows that vertical land planning, liquidation of subsurface management consequences and road construction are the ways of large-tonnage usage of ash-and-slag materials. Roadbed construction takes the third place according to volumes of TPPs' ash-and-slag usage (from 20 up to 100 thous. m3 per 1 km). Effective normative documents allow using ash-and-slag mixtures for mentioned purpose [1] but multiple "myths" about "enormous harm of ash-and-slag wastes (such as radiation, radium, extra frost swelling, difference in properties) and lack of application experience of such materials lead to vigilance of the companies, negative attitude of the engineers and contractors of  road projects.