М.P. Rogankov, E.E. Мikushevitch, V.M. Mikushevitch, Ecopolis ltd, Мoscow, Russia
During half a century of tidal power plants development they did not become wide spread. A number of power plants under operation is not great, they are located in Great Britain, India, Canada, China, Russia, USA, France and some other countries. The most famous is a tidal power plant “La Rans” (France), it has a 800 m dam, the longest in the world, it also serves as a bridge with a highway. The capacity constitutes 240 МWe. Other well known plants are South Korean Sikhvin (254 МWe), British SeaGen, Canadian “Annapolice” and Norwegian “Hammerfest”. In Russia (the former Russian Federation as a part of USSR) since 1968 an experimental 1.7 MWe Kislogubskaya tidal power plant on Barents Sea cost is in operation. Despite of small total capacities of tidal power plants in the renewable balance, their attractiveness is still substantial. In Russia and abroad a number of plants with capacities of tens of GWe are under design. The article contains the materials from the first version of section 8 “Renewables” of the Informational System of Moscow Power Engineering Institute (http://osi.ecopower.ru), prepared by JSC ENIN in 2011 and modern materials available later.